Nimesulide/ Paracetamol

Nimesulide and Paracetamol combination medication may be prescribed to help manage pain and inflammation due to osteoarthritis, sports injuries, surgical procedures, etc.

Nimesulide/ Paracetamol

Nimesulide/ Paracetamol

Normal, Nock-2


Helios Pharmaceuticals, Wander Pvt ltd


Nimesulide 100 mg / Paracetamol 500 mg


Nimesulide/ Paracetamol

I. Introduction to Nimesulide and Paracetamol

Overview of Nimesulide and Paracetamol

Nimesulide and Paracetamol are frequently utilized to relieve pain and reduce fever. Their distinct pain-relieving and fever-reducing properties make this combination especially effective for individuals in need of pain management.

Historical development and approval status

Ever since they were first introduced, Nimesulide has been used in Europe and certain regions of Asia, whereas Paracetamol has gained widespread recognition worldwide. Comparing the timing of their approvals sheds light on the differences in regulations and cultural attitudes towards these substances in regions.

II. Composition and Formulations

Active ingredients and their proportions

A standard dose usually includes Nimesulide at 100 mg and Paracetamol at 500 mg. This combination boosts the pain relief effect while reducing risks.

 Nimesulide effects

Various formulations available (tablets, suspension, etc.)

  • Tablets are designed to be coated for delayed release and to protect the stomach.
  • Suspensions are the option for giving medication to children and older adults.
  • Effervescent tablets are used when a quick onset of action is needed.

III. Mechanism of Action: How Nimesulide and Paracetamol Work

Pharmacodynamics of Nimesulide

Nimesulide works by targeting cyclooxygenase 2, helping to control inflammation and ultimately easing pain and swelling.

Pharmacodynamics of Paracetamol

Paracetamol mainly works in the brain and spinal cord, boosting the body's ability to tolerate pain and ultimately relieving discomfort.

Combined effects on the body

They work in tandem to deliver a two approach providing a complete solution for pain management, without the common stomach-related issues linked to nonspecific NSAIDs.

IV. Uses of Nimesulide and Paracetamol

Primary indications for use

V. Off-Label Uses of Nimesulide and Paracetamol

Exploring less common therapeutic uses

Clinical studies supporting off-label use

Recent studies highlight the advantages and drawbacks, emphasizing the need for careful investigation into these expanded uses.

VI. Dosage and Administration

Adults usually need to take one tablet every 8 to 12 hours. The dosage may vary for children and older individuals depending on the healthcare provider's assessment.

Administration methods and timing for optimal effectiveness

To get the results its recommended to take the medicine with a meal to avoid stomach issues and following the schedule can help improve the treatment effects.

VII. Side Effects of Nimesulide and Paracetamol

Common side effects encountered

While most people can handle it well a few patients might encounter:

  • Feeling sick and throwing up
  • Feeling sleepy
  • Slight to moderate stomach problems

Potential severe side effects and risks

Uncommon yet severe side effects may involve liver problems, intense allergic responses, and blood-related issues that require medical intervention.

VIII. Interactions with Other Medications

Common drug interactions and their management

The combined consumption of NSAIDs, alcohol, and specific antidepressants can amplify adverse reactions, necessitating the cautious handling of medication.

How to avoid negative interactions

Thoroughly reviewing a patient's background and discussing it in detail can help prevent harmful interactions between medications, guaranteeing a safe treatment plan.

IX. Contraindications and Cautions

Conditions under which Nimesulide and Paracetamol should not be used

The combination of Nimesulide and Paracetamol should be avoided for people who have shown sensitivity to either drug. Other reasons to avoid this combination include liver or kidney issues, a history of stomach bleeding or perforation due to NSAID use, and current peptic ulcer disease.

Genetic factors and contraindications

Some people may be more prone to experiencing reactions to Nimesulide and Paracetamol due to their genetic makeup. For example, those with genetic variations that impact liver enzymes could have a greater chance of liver damage, leading them to consider different treatment options.

X. Special Precautions

Administration in elderly patients

Elderly individuals may show increased sensitivity to Nimesulide and Paracetamol, requiring dosage modifications and closer monitoring for side effects such as kidney issues and gastrointestinal problems.

Use in pregnant women and nursing mothers

Although the safety of Nimesulide during pregnancy has not been confirmed, and it is typically not recommended for use, Paracetamol is viewed as an option when prescribed by a medical professional. Additionally, nursing mothers are advised to steer off Nimesulide since it can be passed into breast milk and potentially pose risks to the baby.

Pediatric use and considerations

When it comes to kids, the certainty of Nimesulide's safety and efficacy is not completely confirmed, It's best to use it carefully under close medical care. Paracetamol is still a trusted choice for treating pain and fever in children because of its proven track record of being safe.

XI. Handling and Storage Requirements

Optimal storage conditions to maintain efficacy

For Nimesulide and Paracetamol to remain effective it's important to store them at room temperature from moisture and direct sunlight. Keep tablets and suspensions in their packaging until you're ready to use them.

Paracetamol storage

Handling precautions to ensure safety

It's important to prevent contamination when handling nimesulide and paracetamol. Remember to wash your hands before and after giving the medication, and consider using automatic pill dispensers to reduce the risk of making dosage mistakes.

XII. Overdose and Emergency Management

Symptoms of overdose

Taking much Nimesulide and Paracetamol may show signs, like severe nausea and vomiting increased sweating, paleness and tiredness. It's important to seek medical help when experiencing these symptoms to avoid any serious issues.

Immediate actions and antidotes

If someone overdoses, the first step is to stop taking the medication and get help right away. In cases of Paracetamol overdose, N acetylcysteine is given as an antidote to prevent liver damage. Washing out the stomach. Using activated charcoal can also help if done soon after taking too much.

Rated: 5.0 / 5 based on 5.0 customer reviews.

Posted by constance on Apr 12, 2017 Verified Purchase

Nimesulide/ Paracetamol Tablet ·Option : 10 tabs 100 mg/ 500 mg

Product arrived as described.

Note: does not imply any medical claims from this review.

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